For Diploma Courses

Information Brochure cum Application Form can be obtained from the Institute against payment of Rs. 400/- General and Rs. 300/- SC/BC by bank draft drawn in favour of Principal State Institute of Hotel Management, Rohtak payable at Rohtak.
Click given below links to download the Admission Brochure and Application Form. A duly filled Application Form should be sent to the Principal along with the fee of Rs. 400 through demand draft drawn in favour of Principal State Institute of Hotel Management, Rohtak payable at Rohtak.
The last date for receipt of the completed Application Form in the o/o the Principal, State Institute of Hotel Management, Tilyar Lake, Rohtak 124001 is as prescribed.
Applicants are required to ensure the following while filling out the application form:
- Read instructions carefully.
- Paste only recent passport size colour photograph. Do not staple.
- Applicant's name, parent's name or guardian's name and date of birth should be as in Matriculation Certificate.
- Enclose attested copies of certificates.
- Fee is payable in advance, which is non-refundable except the caution money.